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October 16 2018

The PickUp 2.0

Tags: Hilarious, Open Studio, At LoCoFlo, Stuff You Can Buy

Note: The PickUp has been discontinued. Subscriptions now available.

The LoCoFlo PickUp has been improving flower lovers’ lives for a few years now. PickerUppers signed up in the winter. After great anticipation, the PickUp revved up in April. LoCoFlo cranked out locally grown bouquets of flowers once per month through October for pick up at the shop. Floral joy for all.

So, what about version 2.0? How can the PickUp improve your life even more?

Imagine this: A dark auditorium. Standing room only. Steve Jobs walks across an empty stage in his black mock turtleneck tucked into unbelted jeans with white sneakers (I know, but it’s just not the same with Tim - where was Queer Eye anyway?). Edge of our seats, mystery, nerding-out, etc. what is THE NEXT BIG THING?

Oh yeah the LoCoFlo Seasonal PickUp!

We are now offering the PickUp not just once a year. More than twice a year. Not even only thrice a year. But fource a year - the PickUp every season! You can now PickUp all year. No more waiting through the dreary winter months. No more missing the PickUp during the holidays. Non-Stop PickUp. Lit!

But that’s not all. We totally BK'ed the PickUp. You can have it your way. Choose the dates you want (as long as it’s a Wednesday) (update - now Saturdays!). You can pick up every week during the season, or every other week, or every Wednesday for just one month, or go old school and pick up every third Wednesday (that would be weird, why every third Wednesday? whatever). You get the idea. The options are endless - well not really - but you get to choose your PickUp dates. Sick!

Stick around after your PickUp. Make an arrangement with your PickUp or enhance your bouquet with some extra.

So, there it is. Kinda like when cheese showed up inside the pizza crust, you thought the PickUp couldn’t get any better and BOOM!


Ellen Frost November 26, 2018
The PickUp is so much fun! We love getting to share local flowers throughout the season with so many flower loving folks!
LoCoFlo Fan November 27, 2018
As someone who loves minimalism - I'm asking for experiences for Christmas, rather than physical things. The Locoflo Pickup is a perfect gift for that person on your list who "has everything" or "doesn't want more stuff." A bucket of flowers throughout the months is unique brings a lot of joy!
Jess Rowe November 27, 2018
Can’t wait to be slinging flowers for winter Picker Uppers!!! Nothing beats seasonal depression like LoCoFlo flowers!

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