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January 07 2021

What We Do in the Winter

Tags: Farmers

Procuring locally grown flowers is hard enough when conditions are optimal in our region. Winter really tests our mettle. Not only do we persist, we thrive! It takes some changes - for us, for our growers, and for our customers.

Hendricks is our main winter supplier

Supply, logistics, products, expectations all shift. It's only natural - a rhythm that brings new and wonderful flowers, foliage, branches, berries and more into our shop. It also brings, to borrow from Future Islands, a craving for what has gone away - the local variety of spring, summer and fall field flowers.

Ellen was a guest blogger for Botanical Brouhaha (and was interviewed on their podcast). She detailed all of her challenges and what life is like for a local-only florist when the fields freeze. Read all about what we do in the winter.


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